
URBAN Barriera di Milano closing

The Urban Commettee celebrates the end of Urban Barriera Program.

Urban Barriera is the latest urban regeneration program implemented by the City of Turin. The program consists of 34 interventions, acting through four intervention axes: physical-environmental, economic-employment, socio-cultural, as well as through a strong communication activity and social support.Open Incet itself is one of the results of this innovation process.

URBAN Barriera di Milano closing Leggi tutto »


Cittalia, the research area of the National Association of Italian Municipalities (ANCI) presents SEiSMiC (Societal Engagement in Science, Mutual learning in Cities). SEiSMiC is a project helping to tackle Europe’s biggest urban problems by engaging citizens, identifying social innovation needs, and contributing to future urban policies as well asresearch strategies.

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